+45 41 56 18 35 ab@annabir.dk

CV – english

Graphic Designer and Facilitator · UX/UI Digital Designer and Design Thinker

I am a designer in everything I do. My passion is to reduce unnecessary complexity and make systems and solutions visually clear and easy to interact with. I have experience with IT-solutions with high complexity such as Scada (user interface towards industrial automation), and work with a user centric approach, ensuring that design and solutions are tailored to meet the needs and expectations of the end users.

With more than 20 years in the design field I used design thinking, before I knew it was a thing, as it is the way designers think and how they approach a problem. Design Thinking is a problem-solving methodology. It is the design situation where users are recognised as users, rather than people who must adapt to the design, by all means.

During the work with UX/UI on various projects such as websites, intranet/extranet, apps, Scada/HMI, and other software solutions, my focus is getting to know the user and observe how they are interacting with the solution, or if it doesn’t exist yet, then get to know their needs and wishes, and test through mock-ups. In dialogue with the user I hear what they say, and even more important what they don’t say. Here I often find the gold.

I am used to working in an agile set-up and in close collaboration with engineers/IT developers. I have worked in-depth with a wide variety of UX/UI ideation and design tools ranging from user interviews, workshops, graphic facilitation, prototyping, wireframing, mock-up and user testing. Some projects have been digging deeper in an exploratory and initial phase of project- and product development. Others have been more instrumental and concrete. Either way, I have a strong expertise in the techniques for user experience and work easily with end-users and more technical user groups alike.

I have participated in research and helped to uncover opportunities and ideas. Converted data and insights into guidelines and specifications (including personas, user journeys and identification of customer and business needs). I often act as Design Manager and thus ensure the overall delivery.

Career and projects

Owner of Annabir since 2007/02

role: Digital Product Designer
client: the LEGO Group

UX consultant and Digital Product Designer in the LEGO Group. I was part of the agile product team around Packing with Product Manager, Engineers, and the Designer, supporting internal facing applications – HMI and app solutions for shopfloor. Creating user-centric UI on shopfloor products based on insights from research and user testing. I was embedded in the product team, because designers in manufaturing need a deep process expertise and must understand the product context. I got a lot of domain knowledge about processes and settings to do with packing and manufacturing, which led to pragmatic choices but also helped me challenge stakeholders, business owners and users, and present multiple solutions on a design problem. During the consultancy I was collaborating across teams with other designers in supply chain and manufacturing, sharing knowledge and experiences. We helped each other to meet the “definition of done” in order to be cohesive and adhere to the design system. 

User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), discovery and research
Used technologies:
MIRO, Figma, Jira, Confluence, Teams.


  • Planning tasks along with Project Manager (primarily) and the team.

  • Developing new features and changes on existing HMI and apps.

  • Sparring and collaborating with engineers. 

  • Conduct research, user testing, and design review.

  • Attending the team’s agile ceremonies. They were mostly online as some team members are based in Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania.

role: Teaching
client: AW Academy Denmark
Teaching UX to future Java-developers. Planning and executing 2 full days of teaching in UX- and UI concepts and definitions, adding individual and group assignments to the course and executing final assignment (checkpoint) to evaluate the students’ return on the course.

Graphic design, UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience), Prototyping, teaching.


  • Planning 2-days course embracing concept and definitions of UI and UX
  • Planning assignments and test
  • Online-teaching through Teams
  • Evaluating the students’ output and assignments.

role: UX/UI Designer and -Design Manager
start/end: 2022/10-2023/02
client: Daniit A/S
The aim was to improve Daniit’s Scada system to a userfriendly platform that meets the ISA 101 HMI standard in the field of Manufacturing Automation. I was UX lead, responsible for developing UX and UI design for the new software version. To do this I had to gain knowledge of Scada and also animal feed production as well as fish production and I ended up understading the software solution on a deeper level than required. This made debating with the developers possible which often led to twist a design issue indstead of deleting it. The ISA 101 standard is often criticised for being grey and dull, and both users and developers met UX with the attitude that ISA 101 was a necessary evil, but at the end of the project the new software UI was approved by both. Using different shades of grey and colours made the design userfriendly and welcoming. A UI challenge was using colours without de-emphasising alarms, and never show a colour without an icon in order to accommodate colour disabilities. From slight resistance the developer team now cooperated enthusiastic to cover all instances in the Scada system to ensure they could be added to the design guide. The co-work ensured a sustainable UX/UI.

Design Management, User Experience (UX), UI.


  • Project management of the UX-project
  • Planning and executing user interviews
  • Analysing interviews and developing a set of proposals for improving the it-solution
  • Developing UX and UI
  • Refining UI in cooperation with developer team
  • Planning and executing user tests
  • Developing design guide with colours, fonts, graphic elements and behaviours
  • Before leaving the building I presented “7 leveregler” (code of conduct) to set a shared vision and way of working. They were 7 answers to pitfalls I had seen while working in the team.

role: UX/UI Designer and -Design Manager
client: Boligselskabet Sjælland
The quality of sorted waste in apartment buildings is often deficient. Particular in this BOSJ area in Ringsted. The goal of this project was to find out why. And also what the housing association, the tenants and hopefully the municipality can do to improve the quality.

Design Management, User Experience (UX), Prototyping


  • Qualitative research interviewing (semi-structured) tenants, janitors and committees in BOSJ area in Ringsted to identify pain points.
  • Synthesising data into insights.
  • Identifying low hanging fruit to improve the quality of sorted waste and change the tenants
     mindset on waste.
  • Teamed up with a waste planner and -expert.

role: UX/UI and Graphic Designer
client: Sweco
I have worked with Sweco on an ongoing basis on various assignments. The latest is Giv-et-praj (Tell-us) – an app that lets citizens send a message to the municipality if they find broken asphalt or signs, dark streetlights etc.

Design Management, Graphic Design, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)


  • Graphic design and UX/UI/information architecture for it-systems such as Arealinformation, RenoWeb and Spatial Suite

  • Customising clients’ visual identity (graphic design) to generic app.

role: UX/UI Designer and Graphic Facilitator
client: Ringsted Municipality
I have delivered illustrations to introduce the many tasks, responsibilities, jobs and wicked problems to the municipal committees. E.g. to enable debates on transport and mobility, climate-friendly infrastructure, dilemma of clean streams and industrial development, etc.

Illustration, Graphic Facilitation, Design Management


  • Visualising/illustrating the tasks and jobs in an illustrated overview.

  • Illustrating the conflicts, challenges and priority in the daily management.

role: Graphic Facilitator
client: Guldborgsund Municipality

Workshop and Graphic Facilitation


  • Attending a full-day workshop as Graphic Facilitator for leaders in daycare

  • Visualising presentations, exercises and discussions through illustrations

  • After the workshop, the consultant digitalised the illustrations to help the participants remember the findings and decisions from the day

role: UX/UI Designer and -Design Manager
client: Green Building Council Denmark
Green Building Council published a manual (DGNB) for certifying sustainable building – 478 pages. A user expressed a need for an online version and I contacted the nonprofit organisation.

Design Management, User Experience (UX), Workshop, Graphic Design, User Testing, Wireframes, Mock-ups, Interaction Design


  • Facilitating intern workshop to initiate process

  • Developing proposed structure/information architecture

  • Developing proposed interaction design

  • Facilitated user workshop based on the proposed setup

  • Converting insights into wireframes and mock-ups

  • User testing

  • Developing UI

role: Graphic Designer and Design Manager
Roskilde Municipality
Collaboration through more than 10 years with Roskilde Municipality. A selection of tasks and projects are listed below.

Branding & Identity, Design Management, Graphic Design, Logo, Typography, User Experience Design (UX), Workshop, Graphic Facilitation


  • Visual responsible and graphic designer. Waste and Recycling: “Skidt-er-godt” (bad/trash is good), and following developing the visual communication.

  • Visual adviser and designer on projects in other departments and centers in Roskilde Municipality: concepts, campaigns, outdoor media, signage, project logos, ads, booklets, folders, magazines e.g. staff news.

  • UX designer and facilitator on workshops to develop roskilde.dk version 2008 e.g UX and information architecture. Developing design and templates. UX and graphic design on future developing and new features (until 2013) in collaboration with Communication in Roskilde Municipality.

  • Co-facilitator and designer on innovation project “1-entrance” – a solution for discovering and supporting young people (16-25 years old) who are troubled when finding their way through education and adult life. Graphic illustration of user journey maps and personas to present the concept to the city council.

role: UX/UI Designer and Graphic Designer
Boligselskabet Sjælland
Website redesign for Boligselskabet Sjælland (Housing Association). Bosj.dk

User Experience Design (UX), User Interface (UI), Graphic Design


  • UX and UI, visual and graphic layout.

  • Following years: developing bosj.dk through updated information architecture and new features.

  • Visualisation of strategy and focus areas (for intern strategy workshops)

  • Graphic designer and visual responsible on developing line of ads with 6 different ”what-if”-scenarios

role: UX/UI Designer, Graphic Designer, Design Manager
client: Fors
Fors is supply of heat, water and waste water i 3 municipalities on Zealand. 

Design Management, User Experience Design (UX), User Interface (UI), Graphic Design, Branding & Identity


  • Design management, UX design. Adviser and “interpreter” on developing roskilde-forsyning.dk (active until the aggregation to Fors in 2016), UX design and defining structure and co-responsible for choice of IT provider. Developing graphic design and templates. Following design review during and after implementation.

  • Graphic design. Visual design 2010 for Roskilde Forsyning. Designing ads and presentations. Developing templates for signs, booklets and folders. Visual for clothing, material and merchandise. Design for strategy workshops and introduction. Developing templates and teaching users in graphical applications.

  • Developing graphic icon set for defects in installations (Driftweb) in collaboration with operations manager at Fors and IT developers at Sweco.

role: UX/UI Designer
client: Sweco
Update and improvement (UX and new features) of RenoWeb. The it-system collects and handles relevant processes for waste – such as registrating emptying, equipment management, agreements with individual households and settlement of the services provided. 

Graphic Design, Interaction Design, Prototyping, User Experience Design (UX), User Interface (UI), User Testing, Wireframes, workshop


  • Developing wireframes and mockups.

  • Being co-facilitator on user workshops.

  • Adjusting mockups after tests.

  • Developing UI for frontend.

  • Converted data and insights into guidelines and specifications (including personas, user journeys and identification of customer and business needs).

I have worked with Sweco on an ongoing basis on various assignments.

role: Graphic Facilitator
client: Kolding Municipality
Ten hour workshop for leaders. Focused discussions and dialogue. Mapping the leadership today as well as what can and will be done differently in the future.


  • Drawing simultaneously during the workshop both to facilitate the discussions and to keep record with agreements and decisions.

role: Graphic Designer
client: High Schools in Roskilde
A cooperation between the 3 high schools in Roskilde: Himmelev Gymnasium, Roskilde Gymnasium and Roskilde Katedralskole.

Design Management, Graphic Design


  • Developing design that embraced the three schools equally using colours and graphics that does not refer to any of their corporate profiles.

  • Creating teaser-flipflap, folder, rollups, fair banner and newspaper advertisements.

  • Coordinating with printing houses and newspapers.

role: UX/UI and Graphic Designer
client: Ugilic
Ugilic is a coorporation of Agile Consultants as well as a provider in Scrum and Agile courses. Agileakademiet.dk was their course portal. Agile Akademiet lived for a couple of years, then Ugilic decided to integrate the site in their company site.

Design Management, Graphic Design, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI)


  • Developing logo for Agile Akademiet

  • UX and UI for agileakademiet.dk

role: Graphic Designer
client: Rullesport Denmark
Winner of logo competition for the new organization. Rullesport Denmark is an organization for all skaters and skateboarders in Denmark.

Graphic Design


  • Developing logo for Rullesport Denmark.

  • Customizing logo after competition to fit the needs for formats and combinations.

role: Graphic Designer
client: FOF’s Sekretariat (provider of leisure courses)

Design Management, Graphic Design, Training/Teaching


  • Compile logo redesign

  • Rolling out new visual identity

  • Holding internal lecture on graphic design and applications.

role: Graphic Designer
client: Kræftens Bekæmpelse (danish organization fighting cancer)
Part of the team (employees and extern consultants) behind the KB Lotteries.

Design Management, Graphic Design


  • Developing all graphic design in the 10 lotteries during the year

  • Coordinating with printing house: a unique envelope, a letter, a 4-page leaflet and a healthy recipe, a contest or news about beating cancer.

Permanent Positions

role: UX/UI and Graphic Designer
employer: Valtech, digital agency

Graphic Design, Interaction Design, Prototyping, User Experience Design (UX), User Interface (UI), Wireframes, workshop


  • Designer on Bankdata’s first netbanking and following developing projects.

  • Integrating the individual banks’ (members’) corporate identity in the solution.

  • Responsible for information architecture in collaboration with core UX designers. 

  • Designing campaign sites for Sydbank and updating templates.

  • Designing subsites for Novo Nordisk Denmark (Growth Hormone, Haemostasis og HRT).

  • Delivering illustrations for e-learning about growthhormones and what to do when they are inactive.

  • Visual identity for product and campaign sites such as Levemir®, NovoSeven® og FlexPen®. 

  • Developing and maintenance of danbolig.dk and campaign sites.

  • Lead designer on trygging.fo, vestjyskbank.dk, Copenhagen Stockexchange (design colab with Oslo Børs), Danske Andelskassers Bank, betalingsservice.dk, entrypointnorth.com

UX and Grafisk design in close collaboration with front- and backend developers

role: UX/UI and Graphic Designer and HTML-developer
employer: Masterseek.com, Search Engine to-be
Corporate design for Masterseek and UI for the search engine. Developing final HTML with developers and responsible for design review and the project’s progress.

Graphic Design, Interaction Design, Prototyping, User Experience Design (UX), User Interface (UI), Wireframes, workshop


  • Designmanager

  • Responsible for information architecture

  • Part of HTML developing team. 

  • Facilitating internal workshops

  • Presenting the digital product for investors

  • Branding and identity

  • Graphic design

role: UX/UI and Graphic Designer, and HTML-developer
employer: X Profil, advertising agency

Graphic Design, Interaction Design, Prototyping, User Experience Design (UX), User Interface (UI), Wireframes.


  • Lead on building up the company’s digital products.

  • Introducing media and applications to the team

  • AD-assistand on on-and offline projects for e.g Aluline, Danflex, Fritz Schur, Bladt Industries, Christian Berg and MT Spray.

Education, courses and certification

The Royal Danish Academy – Architecture, Design, Conservation
Master’s degree in Design (MD)
Thesis: “Design Thinking – Study of differences in designers’ and companies’ understanding of Design Thinking and the designer’s competencies”

Member of Design denmark (mDd)

Designseminariet, Højer
Graphic designer

Diploma of Specialized Business Studies in marketing

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